The Dublin Public Library provides free services to all residents living in Erath County and the surrounding communities. This library has been a free public library to citizens of Dublin and Erath County since its beginning in 1952.
The library holds over 17,000 items for adults and children including books, audio-books on cassette tapes and compact discs, downloadable audio books, movies on video and DVD, music CD's, magazines, and local newspapers.
We offer 10 computers for public access, each with Internet capabilities.
We also offer access to over 12,000 e-books and audio books through North Texas Libraries On the Go. Access to these items has been provided through a generous grant through Dublin's Economic Development Corporation.
Hundreds of people visit our library each year to check-out materials, access the Internet, search for ancestors in the library's Genealogy Center, or to attend one of the library's many events.